Temple Jar
School project at School of Visual Arts
Greg Lee, JungIn Yun

Ideation animation storyboard illustration production
Running time:
Software: Photoshop, After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator Director, Designer, Animator: Biheng Sun

Inspired by 4000 Weeks by Oliver Burkeman

A story about jars, stones, sand, and pebbles.

The story brings up the point about the importance of prioritizing how we spend our time.
The jars represent all the time we have in our lives. The rocks are equivalent to the most important projects and things you have going on, and the sand and pebbles are representing the things you could live without or small things that don't mean much in your life. In order to have a more effective and efficient life, pay attention to the “rocks,” because they are critical to your long-term well-being. The metaphor here is there are countless stones in the world that you wanna obtain, but the space of the jar is limited. It is impossible to have all the stones you want so you need to make choices.


Story Board

Character Design
Instead of a regular size jar as same as what it looks like in real world, I decided to exaggerate the size of the jar.

Behind the Scenes

Walk cycle experiment: 
Considering the large and heavy properties of the jar, I let the character sway from side to side while walking, making it difficult to maintain balance
