Senior Thesis Book:
Is it possible to design without leaving trace?

School project at School of Visual Arts
Instructor: Peter Ahlberg

Book Design

In the process of Designing, it is common that people imitate others' work conciously and uncounciously. For novice Designers, this happens even more often. Design, as a creative discipline, has always emphasized innovation and originality. We always leave Traces in the Design process, it may be your obvious style, the picture in your mind; to a lesser extent, your layout, typography, illustrations, colors... Every Design decision you make leaves a Trace of you. Some of these traces are recognizable, others may be known only to ourselves.

Is it possible to Design without leaving a Trace? What if you're copying something that's a bit similar but not exactly the same? How can you be considered copying? And what's the difference between copying and using it as inspiration/homage? Can you guarantee that you haven't copied at all? Can you guarantee that the work you think is 100% "original" is unique in the world?
